CSI CJI Timeline

Most recent events at top of list

  • fourth letter from CSI

  • third letter from CSI

  • CJI responds to eviction notice

  • second letter from CSI

  • first letter from CSI to worshippers at Touro Synagogue

  • CSI files to evict CJI from Touro Synagogue

  • January 31, 2022 Annual lease ends after CJI declines to agree to suggested stipulations. Lease started in 1903 and was $1 per year.

  • January 31, 2022 CSI attempts to reach CJI to head off eviction. Attempt fails.

  • October 2021 brouhaha over a monument erected in Colonial Jewish cemetery in Newport

  • October? 2021 CSI tells CJI what conditions they will accept to continue lease.

  • 2019 Supreme Court of United States declines to hear appeal

  • 2019 Boston Federal appeals court overturns Provicence Federal District Court decision, says CSI owns Touro Synagogue and its appertuances.

  • US District Court Providence rules that CJI own Touro Synagogue and its appurtances .

  • CJI attempts to sell Meyer Meir rimonim

  • 1908 Lease agreement

  • 1903 Lease agreement

  • 1903 break-in and sit-in to open Touro Synagogue. Trial judge declines to discuss ownership of Touro Synagogue

  • 1903? Touro Syngogue is closed to worshippers

  • 1894 Congregation Jeshuat Israel is chartered by the State of Rhode Island.