Newport Jewish Cemeteries

The early Jewish settlers in Newport purchased a cemetery on the outskirts of town in 167O. from Mr Griffin? It is now at the corner of Kay, Touro and Bellevue. Bellevue was called Jew's street during the colonial era. Touro was called Griffen St.  In the 1820s? Abraham Touro left a trust fund with the city of Newport to care for the street where  the Touro Synagouge stands, In gratitude, Griffen St was renamed Touro St. It would not be unusual for a synagogue to be named by the street, so this is probably the origin of Touro  Syngagoue, which was previously known as the Jew's synagogue. 

On Farewell Street in Newport in the  city-owned Braman Cemetery, three fenced in sections are the Jewish cemetery. See Pictures 

ON Wyatt Rd. in Middletown, a newer Jewish cemetery was created. PIctures