Jeshuat Israel By-laws 2011


REVISED - 1994

Modified - June, 1995

Modified - October, 1995

Modified - February, 1996

Modified - October, 1998

Modified - June, 1999

Modified - February, 2000

Modified - May, 2004

Modified - June, 2011

David G. Bazarsky, President B. Schlessinger Ross, Chair By-Laws Committee

C. Bazarsky

L. Freedman

Z. Newman

R. Slom


ARTICLE I ....................................................................................................................... 3 NAME AND PURPOSE................................................................................................. 3

ARTICLE II ....................................................................................................................... 3 MEMBERSHIP............................................................................................................... 3

ARTICLE III ...................................................................................................................... 7 CONGREGATION MEETINGS.................................................................................... 7

ARTICLE IV ..................................................................................................................... 9 BOARD OF OFFICERS ................................................................................................. 9

ARTICLE V ..................................................................................................................... 15 NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS AND INSTALLATION ........................................... 15

ARTICLE VI ................................................................................................................... 16 COMMITTEES AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................. 16

ARTICLE VII ................................................................................................................... 20 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................ 20

ARTICLE VIII ................................................................................................................. 21 RABBI AND CANTOR ............................................................................................... 21

ARTICLE IX .................................................................................................................... 22 SYNAGOGUE AND CEREMONIES ......................................................................... 22

ARTICLE X ...................................................................................................................... 23 CEMETERY ................................................................................................................. 23

ARTICLE XI .................................................................................................................... 24 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................. 24

ARTICLE XII .................................................................................................................. 25 AMENDMENTS .......................................................................................................... 25





l. This Congregation shall be known as Congregation Jeshuat Israel as approved by an act of the General Assembly passed June l3, l894. Its principal place of worship shall be Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island.


l. The purpose of this Congregation shall be to conduct religious worship services which observe orthodox Jewish law and honor the Sephardic heritage of Touro Synagogue. The Congregation shall seek to encourage religious, educational, social and recreational activities which further the cause of Judaism and contribute to the welfare of the Jewish Community.




l. Membership in the Congregation shall be open to all members of the Jewish faith and their children who are born of a Jewish mother or who have been converted to the Jewish faith in accordance with traditional Jewish law.


l. The Congregation shall have the following classes of membership: a. Family Membership

1. A Family Membership shall be extended to a husband and wife

and their unmarried children through the age of twenty-one (21).

2. A husband and wife shall each have one vote in the conduct of

Congregation business.

3. The Family Membership shall apply to any eligible husband and

wife where the oldest spouse is over the age of 34.

b. Single Membership

1. A Single Membership shall be extended:

a. To a single parent and to that individual’s unmarried

children through age twenty-one (21);


b. To a married individual, whose spouse is not eligible, and

to that individual’s children through age twenty-one (21);

c. To a married individual whose spouse and children are not


d. To all other single individuals over the age of thirty-one


2. A Single Membership shall have one vote in the conduct of

Congregation business.

c. Young Single Membership

1. A Young Single Membership shall be extended

a. To an unmarried individual between the ages of twenty-two

(22) and thirty-one (31) inclusive;

b. To a married individual, between the ages of twenty-two

(22) and thirty-one (31) inclusive, whose spouse is not eligible;

2. A Young Single Membership shall have one vote in the

conduct of Congregation business.

3. The cost of a Young Single Membership shall be set at 35% of

the Single Membership.

d. Young Family Membership

1. A Young Family Membership shall be extended to a husband

and wife and their unmarried children where the older spouse is under the age of 35. 2. A husband and wife shall each have one vote in the conduct of

Congregation business.

3. The cost of a young Family Membership shall be set at 50% of

the Family Membership.

4. A Young Family Membership is subject to all terms and

conditions of Article II of the by-laws.

e. Life Membership.

1. Any Single person or Family may apply for Life Membership.

2. The cost of a Life Membership shall be calculated as follows:

a. Single Life Membership applicants under the age of fifty

(50) will pay the then current Single Membership cost multiplied by thirty (30). b. Single Life Membership applicants fifty (50) or older will

pay the then current Single Membership cost multiplied by twenty-five (25). c. Family Life Membership applicants, whose youngest

spouse is under age fifty (50) will pay the then current Family Membership cost multiplied by thirty (30).


d. Family Life Membership applicants, whose youngest

spouse is fifty (50) or older, will pay the then current Family Membership cost multiplied by twenty-five (25).

3. Accepted Life Members will have one year from the date of

acceptance to remit full payment.

4. All classes of Life Membership are subject to all terms and

conditions of Article II of the by-laws.

f. Associate Membership.

1. An Associate Membership shall be extended:

a. To an individual or family who maintains and submits

proof of membership in another Jewish Congregation;

b. To an individual or family who does not have a

residence within Rhode Island or Bristol County of Massachusetts;

2. The cost of an Associate Membership shall be determined by

the Board of Officers.

2. Section E does not apply to Associate Memberships. Dues

are for 1 calendar year and membership is renewed only when dues are received within 60 days of invoice.

3. Associate memberships are excluded from the right to vote

and to hold office. A Single Associate Membership shall be entitled to one High Holiday reserved seat while a Family Associate Membership shall be entitle to 2 seats. All other rights as stated under Section D Privileges of Membership apply.

g. In addition, the Congregation may establish any other classes of membership it considers necessary or desirable and which are not in conflict with Section A of this Article.


1. A candidate for membership in the Congregation shall submit a completed application for membership to the Membership Committee.

2. Election to membership in the Congregation shall be by a vote of the Board of Officers in consultation with the Rabbi and the Membership Committee. 3. In July and August the Executive Committee shall have the authority, in consultation with the Rabbi and the Membership Committee, to elect new members to the Congregation.


l. The privileges of membership shall include, but are not necessarily limited to: a. the right to attend all services and activities of the Congregation;


b. the right to have a voice and a vote at all Congregation meetings; c. the right to hold office and serve on committees of the Congregation; and

d. the right to have a reserved seat at all High Holiday services. 2. The privileges of membership shall be available only to members in good standing.


l. Dues and assessments for all classes of membership shall be set by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a Congregation meeting.

2. Fees for the use of the Synagogue, the Community Center and other properties of the Congregation shall be set by the Board of Officers.

3. The payment of dues, assessments and fees are a member’s financial obligation to the Congregation. A member must meet his financial obligations to be a member in good standing of the Congregation. All billing statements shall state the Congregation requirements for the payment of dues, assessments and fees. 4. Dues shall be assessed annually at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1. Dues may be paid in full at the beginning of the fiscal year or may be paid in three equal installments due on October l, December l, and February l. Dues for a new member shall be assessed and prorated from the first day of the month following their election to membership. All dues must be paid in full by May 1 of each fiscal year. A member who has not paid his dues in full by May l or who has not made arrangements with the Individual Consideration Committee shall become a member not in good standing on that date and shall not be entitled to the privileges of membership.

5. Assessments shall be paid on a schedule approved by the Congregation at the time of the assessment. Fees shall be paid on a schedule approved by the Board of Officers. A member who has not paid his assessments and fees by the required date shall become a member not in good standing on that date and shall not be entitled to the privileges of membership.

6. A member who is unable to meet his financial obligations to the Congregation must request an extension, reduction or abatement of his obligations from the Individual Consideration Committee. Requests for financial consideration must be renewed annually by the member no later than May l of each fiscal year.


l. A member not in good standing shall be notified of his status by certified mail to his address of record on file with the Congregation within fourteen (14) days of May l, requested to make full payment of all arrears or other arrangements with the Individual Consideration Committee within sixty (60) days and informed that the failure to do so shall be considered a resignation from the Congregation. In addition, a member of the Individual Consideration Committee shall attempt to contact the member not in good standing personally.

2. A member not in good standing who fails to make the requisite payment or arrangements within the sixty (60) days shall be considered to have resigned from the


Congregation and shall be informed of that fact by certified mail within fourteen (14) days.

3. Reinstatement to membership may be made by the Individual Consideration Committee subject to the payment of all arrears.

4. Any extensions of time granted by the Individual Consideration Committee shall be subject to the procedures outlined in this section at the expiration of the extended period, unless other arrangements have been made with the Individual Consideration Committee.


l. A member may resign from the Congregation at any time by submitting a letter of resignation to the Board of Officers.

2. Resignation shall not relieve a member of any financial obligations incurred to the date of resignation.


l. A member may be suspended or expelled from the Congregation by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Congregation for a deliberate violation of the by-laws. 2. A member who has been suspended or expelled from the Congregation may be reinstated to membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Congregation. 3. A member who has been suspended or expelled from membership or who has been reinstated to membership shall be notified of that action by certified mail to his address of record on file with the Congregation within fourteen (14) days of the suspension, expulsion or reinstatement.




l. There shall be three (3) regular Congregation meetings each year. They shall be held on the third Sunday in October and February and on the first Sunday in June or, at the discretion of the President, on an alternate day during those months. The June meeting shall be known as the Annual Meeting.

2. In addition to any other business which may come before the Annual Meeting, elections shall be held, the annual budget shall be presented to the Congregation for approval and written reports shall be submitted to the Recording Secretary by the President, the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer.

3. All regular Congregation meetings shall include, at a minimum, the approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, reports by the President, the Treasurer, and the Financial Secretary, old business, new business and good and welfare.



l. The President may call for a special meeting of the Congregation at any time. 2. The President must call for a special meeting of the Congregation, except as outlined in Article XII A(3) of these by-laws, within seven (7) days of a request in writing, by either five (5) members of the Board of Officers or ten (l0) members of the Congregation. The request must state the purpose for which the meeting is sought. 3. The agenda of a special meeting of the Congregation shall be limited to the purpose(s) for which the meeting was called.

4. The notice of a special meeting of the Congregation shall state the purpose(s) for which the meeting is being called.

5. If the President fails to issue a call for a special meeting within seven (7) days of a request, except as outlined in Article XII, Section A(3) of these by-laws, one of the members of the Executive Committee is authorized to call the meeting.


l. Notice of all regular and special meetings of the Congregation shall be mailed to the address of record on file with the Congregation at least fourteen (14) days before a meeting. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting. 2. All Congregation business requiring a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Congregation shall be listed in the notice of the meeting.


l. A quorum of the Congregation shall be twenty-five (25) voting members. 2. A quorum must be present to conduct a Congregation meeting. 3. All actions and decisions of the Executive Committee, the Board of Officers and the Congregation shall be by a majority vote of the members in attendance at a meeting where a quorum is present except as outlined in Section D(5) of this Article or unless a two-thirds (2/3) is required by these by-laws.

4. All actions and decisions of the Board of Officers and the Congregation which require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Officers or the Congregation shall be by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in attendance at a meeting where a quorum is present.

5. Any vote by the Congregation shall be by secret ballot if the secret ballot is requested by at least ten (l0) members of the Congregation in attendance at the meeting. 6. There shall be no voting by proxy or other means except as outlined in Article IV, Section C(1)a, Article IX, Section B(3), and Article X, Section C(2).





l. The administration of the Congregation shall be vested in a Board of Officers. The Board of Officers shall consist of the officers of the Congregation and no less than eight (8) nor more than sixteen (l6) Trustees. These individuals shall collectively be known as the Board of Officers of Congregation Jeshuat Israel.

2. In addition, the Board of Officers shall include, as non-voting members: the immediate past president of the Congregation, the Rabbi, a representative of from each of the following organizations who is a member of the Congregation: the Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Jeshuat Israel, the Society of Friends of Touro Synagogue, the Touro National Heritage Trust and the chairs of all standing committees who are not members of the Board of Officers as well as any other members of the Congregation the President appoints.


l. The officers of the Congregation shall be a President, or two (2) Co-Presidents, three (3) Vice Presidents, not more than four (4) Assistant Vice-Presidents, the Recording Secretary, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Assistant Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Board of Officers.


l. The Executive Committee shall perform the duties outlined in these by-laws. In addition, the Executive Committee shall have:

a. the authority to approve any expenditure necessary to meet any emergency(ies) involving public safety or requiring emergency repairs to Congregation properties. If emergency expenses equal or exceed ten (l0) thousand dollars ($l0,000) in any fiscal year, the Congregation shall be notified within fourteen (l4) days of the nature and extent of the emergency(ies) which have occurred to that date. The Congregation shall also be notified within fourteen (l4) days of any additional emergency expenses incurred during the remainder of that fiscal year. The emergency expenditures authorized in this section shall be in addition to the expenditures authorized in Section D l(c) of this Article. Approval to authorize emergency expenses may be solicited by telephone; and b. the authority to hire and discharge any employee of the Congregation except the Rabbi and Cantor.



l. The Board of Officers shall be responsible for the administration and management of the affairs of the Congregation as outlined in these by-laws. In addition, the Board of Officers shall have:

a. the authority to establish any rules and procedures, consistent with these by-laws, which it considers necessary for the operation of the Congregation; b. the authority to supervise and direct the expenditure of funds approved by the Congregation in the annual budget;

c. the authority to approve the expenditure in each fiscal year from unrestricted funds of up to a total of an additional ten thousand dollars ($l0,000) or 4% of the annual budget, whichever is greater without the approval of the Congregation. Any additional expenditures in excess of that amount must be approved by the Congregation; and

d. the authority to accept or reject any gift or bequest to the Congregation subject to the limitations outlined in Section D(e) of this Article.

e. the authority to approve the expenditure of temporarily restricted funds and the interest and dividend income from permanently restricted funds in accordance with the wishes of the donor. However, if a temporarily restricted gift or bequest or the yearly interest or dividend income from a permanently restricted gift or bequest is fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) or more, the Congregation must approve it acceptance and use.


l. President

a. The President shall be the chief executive of the Congregation and shall perform all duties customarily associated with that office.

b. The President shall be responsible for the operation of the Synagogue, the Community Center and all other properties of the Congregation. c. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Congregation, the Board of Officers and the Executive Committee.

d. The President shall appoint the chairs of all standing committees and shall in consultation with the chairs, appoint the members of each committee. The President shall have the authority to remove the chair or any member from a committee. e. The President may, at his discretion, appoint an Historian of the Congregation.

f. The President shall be a member of the Individual Consideration Committee and the Ritual Committee and a non-voting member of all other committees. The President shall not be a member of the Nominating Committee. g. The President shall report at all Board of Officers and Congregation meetings and shall submit a written report at the Annual Meeting.

h. The President shall furnish a bond with surety at the expense of the Congregation within thirty (30) days of assuming office. The Board of Officers shall determine the bonding company, the type, terms and

amount of the bond to be furnished.


2. Vice-Presidents

a. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents, designated by the President or if the President has not made a designation, selected by the Vice Presidents themselves, shall preside over all meetings at which the President would normally preside.

b. Each Vice-President shall be the chairman of a committee and/or shall assume major Congregation responsibilities assigned by the President. c. At least one (1) Vice-President shall be a member of the Ritual


3. Assistant Vice-Presidents

a. The Assistant Vice-Presidents shall assume any committee chairs and/or other duties and responsibilities assigned by the President.

4. Recording Secretary

a. The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate records of all Congregation, Board of Officers and Executive Committee meetings. These records shall consist of the minutes of each meeting and all written reports and relevant correspondence.

b. The Recording Secretary shall incorporate the names of all those in attendance at each meeting into the minutes of that meeting.

c. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the official correspondence of the Congregation, except as required by 4(c) of this section, and shall direct the mailing of the required notices for all meetings.

d. The Recording Secretary shall maintain a separate book listing any amendments made to the by-laws until the next revision and

publication of the by-laws.

5. Financial Secretary

a. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for collecting and receiving all Congregation income and for the issuing bills for dues and for all other indebtedness to the Congregation.

b. The Financial Secretary shall maintain a register listing the names of all members, the date of their election to membership, their application form, the date of their resignation, suspension, expulsion or death and a record of their dues, assessments, fees and contributions.

c. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence relating to members not in good standing.

d. The Financial Secretary shall be responsible to the Treasurer in the conduct of his office.

e. The Financial Secretary shall be a member of the Finance Committee and the Individual Consideration Committee.

f. The Financial Secretary shall report at all Board of Officers and Congregation meetings and shall submit a written report at the Annual Meeting.


g. The Financial Secretary shall furnish a bond with surety at the expense of the Congregation within thirty (30) days of assuming office. The Board of Officers shall determine the bonding company, the type, the terms and the amount of the bond to be furnished

6. Treasurer

a. The Treasurer shall, under the supervision and direction of the Board of Officers, be responsible for the financial affairs of the Congregation. b. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all Congregation funds and securities and shall, in consultation with the Finance Committee and with the approval of the Board of Officers, supervise the investment of the financial assets of the Congregation.

c. The Treasurer shall, with the approval of the Board of Officers, supervise the deposit of all Congregation income, the payment of all Congregation bills and the expenditure of all other Congregation funds authorized by these by-laws and by the Congregation in the annual budget.

d. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of all Congregation income, receipts, expenditures, bank accounts, securities and specially designated funds. Records relating to specially designated funds shall state whether the funds are permanently or temporarily restricted. The Treasurer shall make all financial records available for inspection by the Board of Officers at their request.

e. The Treasurer, in consultation with the Finance Committee, shall prepare an annual budget for the Congregation as defined in Article VII, Section D of these by-laws. The Treasurer shall submit the budget to the Board of Officers for approval and to the Congregation for final approval at the Annual Meeting. f. The Treasurer shall maintain a Congregation safety deposit box(es) at a local bank for the safekeeping of the Congregation’s securities, legal documents and other valuables. The keys shall be held by the President and the Treasurer. The President, the Treasurer and the members of the Executive Committee shall be the signers of the account. The President or the Treasurer and another member of the Executive Committee must be present when the box(es) is opened. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining an inventory of the contents of the box(es) and shall include the inventory as part of his report at the Annual Meeting.

g. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee and shall be a member of the Individual Consideration Committee.

h. The Treasurer shall submit written reports at all Board of Officers and Congregation meetings. At a minimum, the Treasurer’s reports shall include income and expenses compared to the budget and a schedule showing cash and investment accounts.

i. The Treasurer shall furnish a bond with surety at the expense of the Congregation within thirty (30) days of assuming office. The

Board of Officers shall determine the bonding company, the type,

the terms and the amount of the bond to be furnished.

7. Assistant Treasurer

a. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary as directed by the President.


b. The Assistant Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee. b. The Assistant Treasurer shall furnish a bond with surety at the expense of the Congregation within thirty (30) days of assuming office. The Board of Officers shall determine the bonding company, the type, the terms and the amount of the bond to be furnished.

8. Trustees

a. Trustees shall assume all duties and responsibilities assigned by the President.

b. Each Trustee shall serve on at least one (1) committee. SECTION F TERMS OF OFFICE

l. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and with the exception of the position of the Vice-Presidents, shall be eligible to serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms or portions of an unexpired

term in the same office. A Vice-President shall be eligible to serve no more than four (4) consecutive two (2) year terms or portions of an unexpired term. An individual may serve as a Co-President immediately after serving two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms as President

2. Trustees shall be elected for a term of four (4) years each with no less than four (4) Trustees but not more than eight (8) Trustees elected bi-annually. Trustees shall be eligible to serve no more than two (2) consecutive four (4) years terms or portions of a term as Trustees.

3. After leaving office, at least two (2) years shall elapse before a member of the Board of Officers is eligible to serve in the same office.


l. Board of Officers

a. The Board of Officers shall meet on the second Tuesday of every other month or on an alternate day and month, at the discretion of the President. At a minimum, the Board of Officers shall meet six (6) times each fiscal year. b. The President may, at his discretion, call additional meetings of the Board of Officers.

c. The President must call for a meeting of the Board of Officers within five (5) days of a request by three (3) members of the Board of Officers. d. Notice of all Board of Officers’ meetings shall be mailed at least seven (7) days before a meeting. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the meeting.

2. Executive Committee

a. The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the President.



l. Board of Officers

a. A quorum of the Board of Officers shall be one more than one-half (1/2) the number of voting members of the Board of Officers.

b. A quorum must be present to conduct a meeting of the Board of Officers.

2. Executive Committee

a. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be one more than one-half the number of members on the Executive Committee.

b. A quorum must be present to conduct a meeting of the Executive Committee.


l. In the event of the resignation, death, permanent incapacity or removal from office of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents, selected by the Board of Officers, shall serve as President until the next election.

2. In the event of the resignation, death, permanent incapacity or removal from office of the President and of the Vice-President chosen to replace the President, the Board of Officers shall select a member of the Executive Committee to serve as President until the next election.

3. In the event of the resignation, death, permanent incapacity or removal from office of any other member of the Board of Officers, the President, with the approval of the Board of Officers, shall appoint a member of the Congregation to serve in that office until the next election.


l. A member of the Board of Officers may be removed from office by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Officers or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Congregation:

a. if the officer is absent from three consecutive Executive Committee, Board of Officers or Congregation meetings, without sufficient cause; b. if the officer fails to carry out the duties of office; c. if the officer deliberately violates the by-laws; or

d. if the officer engages in conduct which brings dishonor or disgrace to the Congregation.

2. A member of the Board of Officers who has been removed from office shall be notified of that action by certified mail to the address of record on file with the Congregation within fourteen (14) days of his removal.



l. A member of the Board of Officers may resign from office by submitting a letter of resignation to the Board of Officers.


l. Officers must turn over to their successors in office or retire to the archives, if appropriate, any records, reports, documents and valuables of the Congregation in their possession, on or before the date of the installation of their successor, or within fourteen (l4) days of their resignation or removal from office




l. Nominations for the Board of Officers shall be made by a nominating committee of six (6) members appointed no later than March 1, of each election year by the President, with the approval of the Board of Officers.

2. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of four (4) members of the Board of Officers and two (2) members of the Congregation who are not officers or trustees. If available to serve, at least one member of the Nominating Committee shall have been a member of the previous Nominating Committee. The President shall select the chair of the Nominating Committee. The President may not be a member of the Nominating Committee.

3. Members of the Nominating Committee shall be eligible for election to any office.

4. Nominees for office shall express a willingness to participate in the spiritual life and activities of the Congregation.

5. Notification of the proposed slate of officers shall be mailed to the Congregation at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Meeting. The notice shall state the procedure for making additional nomination as outlined in Section A(6) of this Article.

6. Additional nominations for the Board of Officers shall be made to the Recording Secretary, in writing and signed by two members of the Congregation, at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual Meeting. The Recording Secretary shall mail notification of any additional nominations to the Congregation at least seven (7) days before the Annual Meeting.

7. No additional nominations shall be received from the floor at the Annual Meeting.



l. Elections shall be held at the Annual Meeting.

2. The Financial Secretary shall verify that all members casting ballots are members in good standing.

3. Voting for all contested offices shall be by secret ballot.

4. A member who is not present at the Annual Meeting may be elected to office if that member has indicated in advance to the Recording Secretary, in writing, an intention to serve if elected.


l. The installation of officers shall take place before the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1.

2. Incumbent officers shall serve in their office until the installation of new officers.

3. The President-elect shall select the date of the installation and shall choose a member to preside over the Installation.




l. The standing committees of the Congregation shall be:

a. Archives/Library

b. Buildings and Grounds

c. Finance

d. Individual Consideration

e. Fundraising

f. Hebrew School

g. Membership

h. Personnel

i. Program and Activities

j. Public Relations

k. Ritual

l. Sunshine

2. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may establish additional committees, may add duties and responsibilities to each committee and may combine and realign all committees to best meet the needs of the Congregation.



l. All committee actions and activities shall be subject to review and approval by the Board of Officers.

2. Committee chairs shall report, at the discretion of the President, at all Board of Officers and Congregation meetings.

3. All committee chairs shall submit written reports to the Recording Secretary at the Annual Meeting.


l. The responsibilities of the Committees shall be:

a. Archives/Library

l. The Historian of the Congregation, if one has been appointed, shall be the chair of the Archives/Library Committee.

2. The Archives/Library Committee, in cooperation with the Society of Friends of Touro Synagogue, shall maintain an accurate and current inventory of all records, historic documents, pictures, paintings, memorabilia, prayer books, religious items sanctuary furnishings and all other property owned by the Congregation. The inventory shall also include all items owned by the Congregation which are in the possession of individuals and other institutions.

3. The Archives/Library Committee, in cooperation with the Buildings and Grounds Committee, shall be responsible for the storage, display and safeguarding of all Congregation property.

4. The Archives/Library Committee shall maintain an accurate and current map of sections l and 2 of the Congregation cemetery on Farewell Street.

b. Buildings and Grounds

l. The Buildings and Grounds Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and care of the Synagogue, the Community Center and all other properties of the Congregation.

2. The Buildings and Grounds Committee, with the approval of the Board of Officers, shall arrange for and supervise all repairs and construction to Congregation properties.

c. Finance

1. The Finance Committee shall include the Treasurer, Financial Secretary, the Assistant Treasurer and at least three (3) other members of the Congregation who are knowledgeable about financial matters.

2. The Finance Committee, under the supervision of the Treasurer, shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual budget.

3. The Finance Committee shall, under the supervision of the Treasurer and with the approval of the Board of Officers, be responsible for investing the financial assets of the Congregation.

4. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for administering the Book of Remembrance. All funds received for the Book of Remembrance shall be


held separately as the Book of Remembrance Fund and shall be used only for major capital projects approved by the Congregation. Expenses for the Book of Remembrance shall be withdrawn from the Book of Remembrance Fund.

5. The Finance Committee shall be responsible for honoring, to the fullest extent possible, all gifts and bequests received with specific conditions by the Congregation.

6. The Finance Committee shall, with the approval of the Board of Officers, set fees for the use of Congregation properties.

7. At least one member of the Finance Committee shall also be a member of the Fundraising Committee

d. Individual Consideration

l. The Individual Consideration Committee shall be responsible for granting any extensions, reductions and/or abatements of a member’s financial obligations which the Committee considers appropriate.

2. The committee shall consist of the President, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and the Rabbi.

e. Fundraising

l. The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for planning and executing programs and projects designed to raise supplementary funds for the Synagogue.

2. At least one member of the Fundraising Committee shall also be a member of the Finance Committee.

f. Hebrew School

l. The Hebrew School Committee shall, in cooperation with the Rabbi, be responsible for the administration and management of the Hebrew School, including developing its curriculum, hiring its teachers and setting its hours of operation. 2. The Hebrew School Committee shall consist of a minimum of five (5) members. At least two (2) of the members of the Committee shall be parents of children in the Hebrew School.

3. The Rabbi shall be a non-voting member of the Hebrew School Committee.

g. Membership

l. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for preparing a standard application form for membership in the Congregation which shall be approved by the Board of Officers.

2. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for actively recruiting new members for the Congregation and for reviewing applications for membership in the Congregation.


h. Personnel

l. The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Officers concerning the duties and responsibilities of all employees of the Congregation except the Rabbi and the Cantor.

i. Program/Activities

l. The Program and Activities Committee shall be responsible for initiating, planning and executing programs and activities which benefit the Congregation.

2. The Program and Activities Committee shall be responsible for advancing the Purpose of the Congregation as outlined in Article I, Section B of these by laws.

j. Public Relations

l. The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for Congregation publicity including press releases, promotional literature and publications.

k. Ritual

l. The chair of the Ritual Committee shall be the Gabbai of the Congregation.

2. The chair of the Ritual Committee must be qualified to participate in the conduct of religious services under orthodox Jewish law. 3. The Ritual Committee shall be responsible for gathering a Minyan during regularly scheduled services.

4. The Ritual Committee shall be responsible for decorum at services and for seating the Congregation and visitors as outlined in Article IX, Section C of these by-laws. They shall be responsible for appointing ushers for the High Holidays and as needed during the year.

5. The President and at least one (1) Vice-President shall be members of the Ritual Committee. The Rabbi shall be a non-voting member of the Ritual Committee.

l. Sunshine

1. The Sunshine Committee shall be responsible for sending congratulatory, acknowledgment and condolence cards to members of the Congregation. 2. The Sunshine Committee shall also be responsible for sending cards as requested by members of the Congregation and others at a cost determined by the Committee with the approval of the Board of Officers.





l. No member of the Congregation shall have the power to purchase, sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any real property of the Congregation unless that action is authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Congregation.

2. No member of the Congregation shall have the power to sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of any historically significant possessions of the Congregation unless that action is authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of Congregation.


l. All legal documents and financial instruments executed by the Congregation with the exception of those financial instruments listed in Section C(l) of this Article shall, unless otherwise required by law, be signed by the President and the Treasurer after they have received the requisite authorization to execute the documents.


l. All checks, drafts, orders and other obligations of the Congregation for payment of money, drawn on Congregation accounts or other financial resources, must be signed by two (2) of the following four (4) officers: the President, the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary and the Assistant Treasurer.

2. In addition, the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall have the authority to appoint a member of the office staff of the Congregation as a signatory on the operating account of the Congregation together with one of the officers listed in Section C(l) of this Article.

3. The staff member authorized as the signatory shall furnish bond with surety at the expense of the Congregation within thirty (30) days of designation as a signatory. The Executive Committee shall determine the bonding company, the type, the terms and the amount of the bond to be furnished.


l. The annual budget for the Congregation shall be a balanced budget. The budget shall include the estimated income from temporarily restricted gifts and bequests, permanently restricted gifts and bequests and all unrestricted sources. Expenses shall include all estimated expenses from temporarily and permanently restricted funds and from unrestricted sources.


l. All Congregation financial records and procedures shall be subject to an annual review by a Certified Public Accountant who is independent of the Congregation. The


Congregation at its discretion may, however, require an annual audit. The Certified Public Account shall be selected by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.




l. If the position of Rabbi becomes vacant, the President shall, with the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint a search committee to solicit applications, conduct interviews and present recommendations for the position to the Board of Officers. 2. The Board of Officers shall review the candidates and shall present their recommendation for the position of Rabbi to the Congregation.

3. The Rabbi shall be chosen by a vote of the Congregation. 4. Renewal of the Rabbi’s contract shall be decided by a vote of the Congregation prior to the expiration of the Rabbi’s contract.

5. In the event the Congregation chooses to engage a full-time Cantor, the same procedures outlined in this section relating to the Rabbi shall be followed. The selection of a Cantor shall be made in consultation with the Rabbi. The Cantor shall be a non voting member of the Ritual Committee.


l. All terms and conditions of the Rabbi’s employment, including his responsibilities, his compensation and the length of his contract shall be determined by a written contract approved by the Board of Officers.

2. The Rabbi shall carry out his responsibilities in conformance with these by laws.

3. The Rabbi shall be a member of the Individual Consideration Committee and a non-voting member of the Board of Officers and the Ritual Committee. 4. In the event the Congregation engages a Cantor, the same terms and conditions of employment outlined in this section shall apply.





l. All religious services shall be conducted in accordance with orthodox Jewish law.

2. The order and conduct of all religious services shall be under the supervision and direction of the chair of the Ritual Committee in consultation with the Board of Officers.


l. Applications for the use of the Synagogue, the Community Center or any other properties of the Congregation shall be made to the President.

2. The President in consultation with the Rabbi shall have the authority to approve the use of Congregation properties for all religious ceremonies and functions.

3. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall have the authority to approve the use of Congregation properties for all non-religious and secular activities. Authority to approve the use of Congregation properties for non-religious and secular activities may be solicited from the Executive Committee by telephone.


l. Seats for the President and the Vice-President(s) shall be assigned and reserved. A seat shall also be reserved for the spouse of the President and the Rabbi’s wife or guest and the Cantor’s wife or guest.

2. Seats assigned prior to l983 shall remain assigned to the member as long as the member is in good standing. As the seat becomes vacant through attrition or resignation, it shall be assigned to the member next in line through longevity of membership. 3. Front row seats in the balcony shall be for the exclusive use of adult women members in good standing and the wives of the Rabbi and the Cantor. 4. All seats in the balcony shall be assigned in the following priority: adult women members in good standing by longevity of membership, women High Holiday ticket holders and other women.

5. Men’s section seats shall be available in the following priority: Adult men members in good standing by longevity of membership, men High Holiday ticket holders and other men.

6. High Holiday seating plans along with a copy of Paragraphs l through 5 of this Article shall be prominently posted in both men’s and women’s sections. 7. Seats are not transferable temporarily or permanently under any circumstances.





l. All burial arrangements for Congregation members held in Newport County shall be under the auspices of the Chevra Kadisha Association of Newport County, subject to the provisions of Sections B, C and D of this Article.


l. There shall be no new interments at the Historical Cemetery at the corner of Touro and Kay Streets in Newport, Rhode Island.

2. Provided however that the congregation authorizes the burial of John L. Loeb, Jr and spouse in the historical Jewish Cemetery on Touro Street provided that at the time of his/her death he/she meets the criteria for burial under Orthodox Jewish law and the provisions of the recorded deed.


l. Members of the Congregation, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall be entitled to a free grave site at the Congregation cemetery on Farewell Street in Newport, Rhode Island while sites are available. The location of the grave shall be designated by the Executive Committee but the grave shall otherwise be subject to the rules and regulations of the Chevra Kadisha, including their requirements for perpetual care.

2. In the case of an emergency, permission to authorize burial at the Congregation cemetery on Farewell Street may be solicited by phone from the Executive Committee.


l. Members of the Congregation, elected to membership before January l, l972 who are members of the Congregation at the time of their death shall be entitled to a free grave site at the Beth Olam Cemetery on Wyatt Road in Middletown, Rhode Island. There shall be no fee charged by the Chevra Kadisha for the grave site but it shall otherwise be subject to the rules and regulations of the Chevra Kadisha including their requirements for perpetual care. The surviving spouse of a member who receives a free grave site under this provision but who is no longer a member of the Congregation at the time of that spouse’s death shall also be entitled to a free grave from the Chevra Kadisha if the fee for the perpetual care of both graves is paid at the time of the interment of the first spouse.

2. Members of the Congregation elected to membership between January l, l972 and (insert the date of the ratification of the l983 by-laws here) who are members of the Congregation at the time of their death shall be entitled to a free grave site at the Beth


Olam Cemetery if they maintained continuous membership in the Congregation for a minimum of ten (l0) years from the date of their election or reinstatement to membership in the Congregation. The fee for purchasing the grave site shall be paid by the Congregation but shall otherwise be subject to the rules and regulations of the Chevra Kadisha, including their requirements for perpetual care. The surviving spouse of a member who receives a free grave site under this provision but who is no longer a member of the Congregation at the time of that spouse’s death shall also be entitled to a free grave from the Congregation if the fee for the perpetual care of both graves is paid at the time of the interment of the first spouse.

3. Members of the Congregation who are entitled to a free grave site at the Beth Olam Cemetery may elect burial at the Congregation cemetery on Farewell Street subject to the provisions in Section C of this Article.

4. Members of the Congregation who do not fall within the purview of D(l). and (2) of this section and who wish to be interred at the Beth Olam Cemetery must make arrangements for burial directly with the Chevra Kadisha.




1. The fiscal year of the Congregation shall be from July l through June 30. SECTION B MEMBER

1. The use of the word member in these by-laws shall under all circumstances mean a member in good standing.


l. The use of the masculine gender in these by laws shall include the use of the feminine unless otherwise stated.

2. Any member of the Congregation may hold any office in the Congregation except that of chair of the Ritual Committee. The chair of the Ritual Committee must be qualified to participate in the conduct of religious services under orthodox Jewish law.


l. In the event that the Co-Presidents are elected to office, all references to the President or the office of the President, in these By-laws, shall refer to Co-Presidents.





l. Proposals to amend, suspend, repeal or introduce new articles to these by-laws may be initiated by the Board of Officers or shall be submitted to the Board of Officers, in writing, by at least twenty (20) members of the Congregation.

2. The Board of Officers shall review the proposal at its next meeting and shall prepare a recommendation for the Congregation.

3. The proposal shall be presented to the Congregation, together with the recommendation of the Board of Officers, at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting if one is requested. If a special meeting is requested, it shall be called for within seven (7) days after the Board of Officers’ meeting at which the proposal was considered. Notification of the meeting shall include a copy of the proposal.

4. A two-thirds 2/3) vote of the members present at a meeting of the Congregation is required to adopt any proposal.